Hey Everyone!!! Come and see how good I look!

Have you ever wished that you would have a complete body, mind and spirit overhaul?
I bet each and every one of us have, either the whole package or individual aspects. After all, is anyone completely content?

The last two nights on the Biggest Loser (Emy’s favourite show) was the chance for the contestants to have a makeover.
Not only was there a bit of  wardrobe revamping for the evening, but two of the contestants lost their safety blankets.
Alex: a beard that he has been hiding under for 20 odd years and …
Michelle: the longest. most luscious. silky hair.

The reason for singling out these two contestants, is to show that even though back at the start of the competition they were unhappy with themselves with their physical appearance, broken on the inside and completely ready to give up hope, they both shared a common factor. They had something that they loved about themselves. For Alex it was the “tough guy” beard and moustache he was rocking and for Michelle, it was the hair. What is the significance?? Well it was something to hide behind.

To see these contestants transform both physically and mentally over the last few months has been enlightening, they have made breakthroughs that they never thought possible, they have triumphed with their weight loss and food management and have made life long friends. After this makeover segment we can now see that they have not only shed weight on the scales, but have shed weight off their shoulders, their safety blankets, ready to face the world as new people. It’s big step to admit self-love and actually mean it.
To see each and every person strut their way down the catwalk in front of hundreds of people was truly inspiring, and it makes you realise that it is worth it, the hard work and dedication is worth the effort. They are not even at the end yet, but they have overcome the hardest part. Change.

Whether they are eliminated this week or last till the end, when you can see people finally accept themselves and learn to love themselves, there is no stopping them and what they can achieve.

Can you relate to this? What are you hiding behind? There is a world of opportunities out there waiting for you to jump at them.
So what are you waiting for?

See the Transformations here

About Play personal training

I am a Personal Trainer based out of Fitness First at Mona Vale and conduct an Outdoor Group Fitness Program. If your interested in getting fit and achieving your best results, contact me directly, otherwise subscribe to my blog to keep up to date with the Play Team.

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