Go Valentine Yourself.

Elle Woods: (Legally Blonde):
I just don’t think that Brooke could’ve done this. Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy. Happy people just don’t shoot their husbands, they just don’t.

 Note: I am not encouraging you to eat four pink cupcakes

So tomorrow is Valentines day, most people’s days will go about as per usual, some will be swept off their feet and some will get all sad and self loathing.

Valentines day to me is a massive crock, this could be because I haven’t had a ‘said valentine’ in a number of years and dad bringing home an extra bunch of flowers, although thoughtful, never really worked for me.

Not specific to this day, but why must we define our happiness by what other people think about us, shouldn’t it be about you?

I know society places pressures on each and every person in some way shape or form but it’s just a perception of how things should be.

I always thought growing up that in order to be beautiful you had to be tall, skinny and have totally un proportioned legs.

HOWEVER… my perception has changed.

To me, I can see beauty for what it really is..confidence. confidence within yourself.

Shoulders back, chest out, head tall.. show us what your made of…confidence.

For most people it takes a number of years, to accept who they are, where they come from and how to be happy within themselves. And for a small number of people, they never really find their way. I urge you to look at what it is that makes you happy. Don’t put all of your hopes on one person to totally fulfil you, find a hobby, find some time for you, get out there and get active.. reward yourself.

I have found in the last year, that exercise, although often challenging, often painful (at the time) is the source of happiness for most people. Many people I have come across use exercise to vent, to think, to escape, to understand themselves better, but also to tap in to their mind and body.

I know when I train, I am happy, I feel confident, I feel motivated, I feel like the hard work I’m putting in is not because I hate my body, It’s because deep down I love it..I want to put in as much as I can in order to treat my body right.

No one can love you until you love yourself, so this Valentines day, I want you to make a pact, not to me but to yourself.

That no matter what happens over this next year, when your happy, sad or lonely, when times get tough, when you feel like you’ve got nothing, remember to be yourself and treat yourself right. Cause you’re the only you. So own it.

About Play personal training

I am a Personal Trainer based out of Fitness First at Mona Vale and conduct an Outdoor Group Fitness Program. If your interested in getting fit and achieving your best results, contact me directly, otherwise subscribe to my blog to keep up to date with the Play Team.

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